Wednesday 17 June 2015

Top 5 Story Driven Games.

The world of gaming has something for everyone to enjoy. Be it a hardcore shooter, an arcade fighter, sports, retro titles or even a simulator for pretty much anything you can think of! However, not all games possess a story line that is actually really powerful. There are games that focus too much on the multiplayer aspect and don't pay much attention to their single player campaign which in turn results in a game with a not well thought out story line. Here are five of the top story driven titles I have played till date.

1. Bioshock Infinite (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)- The entire Bioshock franchise as a whole is a game series worth diving into but it's third and possibly final title 'Bioshock Infinite' is definitely a game worth playing. To start of, the game looks beautiful. The game is set in a 1912 Colombia that floats atop the clouds. It's vivid, active and surprisingly realistic! The gameplay is smooth and very enjoyable with a decent arsenal of weapons and powers. The voice acting is mind blowing  and the story gets you attached to the characters in a way not many other games do. The plot twist in the end is one no one will ever see coming and will just leave you in awe for hours even after you're done with the game.

2. The Last of Us (PS3, PS4)- Although this title is a Playstation exclusive, it more than deserves some recognition as easily one of the greatest if not the greatest storyline of all time. It's takes you on an emotional roller coaster from the very first 10 minutes of the game that gets you hooked to the game and all of it's characters. The story is set in a post apocalyptic world where most humans are now infected and only a handful of survivors remain. The voice acting again is brilliant and the connection between the characters is strong and is shown really well. The game looks beautiful on the PS3 and it's remastered version for the PS4 is even better! Definitely a must buy if you own a Playstation console.

3. To The Moon (PC)- If you want a game that has not just a brilliant but emotional story as well, To The Moon is the way to go. It runs on 8-bit graphics intentionally to give it the retro feel and hence is playable on any PC, no matter the specs. The storyline is deep and may seem a little complicated at first but it all plays out beautifully and you'll know exactly what's happening a little through the game. The soundtracks in the game are amazing and really adds to the story. The script writing is spot on too. There is humor and certain puzzle elements involved too which makes the story enjoyable to most.

4. The Wolf Among Us (PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Android, Apple)- The Wolf Among Us is one of the many marvelous creations of TellTale Games. The story line is gripping and completely depends on the decisions you make. It isn't often that two people will play the story the same way or have the same conclusion. It's based around multiple fairy tale characters including the big bad wolf, the beauty and the beast, snow white, etc. all set in a realistic and dark setting. Your decisions matter more than anything else. The voice acting is brilliant and the animated look that TellTale productions always goes for does not let you down.

5. Thomas Was Alone (PC, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360, Android, Apple)- Thomas Was Alone is a game like no other. An Indie puzzle platformer with a campaign to be considered as a AAA title without a fraction of a doubt. You play as blocks of multiple shapes and with different abilities each. The farther you progress in the game, the more blocks you discover and merge with others. Although a puzzle platformer, the story is narrated flawlessly and it gives the game a reason. The levels are innovative and the gameplay is smooth and crisp. Perfect for people of all ages.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Xbox Backward Compatibility.

E3 just ended a few hours back and as most E3's go, E3 2015 was amazing too! Numerous games were announced anywhere from Indie games to AAA titles. Star Wars: Battlefront, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy VII: Remake, etc. were some of the biggest anticipations and surprises of E3 2015. However, the games weren't the only wow factors this E3.

The Xbox conference was the first conference of the second day of E3 and the Playstation conference was the last. Xbox fans roared as they announced that the Xbox One will be backwards compatible later this year. This basically means that the Xbox One will run your previous Xbox 360 games for free! The process is simple, you stick your Xbox 360 disc into your Xbox one console and download the game from the market free of cost. Microsoft says this is possbibe for every Xbox 360 game that exists but it's in the hands of the game developers to make their games backward compatible. Don't be disheartened though, most game developers will rise to the occasion and Xbox One has already got a hundred Xbox 360 titles ready to go on the Xbox One.

This is a massive game changer and I wouldn't be surprised if the Xbox One selling rates spiked drastically!

Summarizing the Best Moments of E3, 2015.

Okay, so E3 ended a couple of hours back and I thought maybe summarizing it would be a good idea. Now everyone plays on different platforms so this post will contain games and information regarding all platforms be it Playstation exclusives, Xbox Exclusives, PC exclusives, etc. These are the games/new additions to the gaming world that I'm most looking forward to. Let me know your ideas and what you'll found more exciting or something I may not have mentioned!

1.Rise of the Tomb Raider- I haven't been a huge fan of the Tomb Raider franchise considering I personally haven't played them all yet. But after watching the little gameplay they put up on display at the Xbox conference, I plan on! The game was beautiful. Probably the best looking game I have seen so far! The weather, the tiny features like the snow under her feet, the smooth flow and animations. It all looked mind blowing and it's definitely a game I look forward to!

2.Tom Clancy: The Siege- Yes, I know Tom Clancy: The Division is the game most are more anticipated for but being more of a competitive gamer, I feel Siege requires some recognition. Developing strategies to breach into a house/plane to rescue hostages/defuse a bomb, etc. looks really interesting and if Ubisoft plays it out well, it could easily be their next best thing!

3.Sea of Thieves- This new title by game creator 'Rare' looks surprisingly fascinating! Be it the arcadey yet realistic graphics or the smooth gameplay, it just bought out the fun factor in my opinion. It may not be an AAA title but it sure looks like a game that could go a long way!

4.Horizon: Zero Dawn- Even though amazing titles like Starwars Battlefront, Uncharted 4, FFVII remake, etc. were shown, it was this game that had me hyped more than any other. Set in a post apocalyptic setting, this game features a war between man and machine. You play as a young woman fighting mechanical wild life with nothing more than your traditional weapons and human instincts. The game looked amazing and really intense to play. Definitely my most anticipated game from this E3 and is set to release in 2016.

5.No Man's Sky- There were a certain few games that everyone was looking forward to seeing this E3 and this one was definitely on that list. Probably the largest open world game till date, No Man's Sky lets you explore galaxies upon galaxies consisting of hundreds of planets each! The game developer gave us a couple of minutes of live gameplay showing us the size of what the game has to offer. Diving into one of a visible thousand planets, I think it's safe to say that everyone was blown away.

6. Firewatch- Be it the graphics or concept or both! The firewatch gameplay we saw at E3 had something to it that just drew me to the game. It's the sort of game that you want to play once you see it's gameplay and how it runs (Personal Opinion). With only one lady who's location you don't know to communicate with over a radio, the game seems interesting and truly fun.

7. Destiny: The Taken King- Granted this isn't a game but only an expansion to one, The Taken King definitely looks like an expansion Destiny long needed. I've put in hours into Destiny but finally gave up months ago due to it's lack of innovation and relentless repetitiveness but this expansion maybe a good reason for me and other likewise to get back or get in the game for a first time!

8. Final Fantasy VII Remake- Final Fantasy definitely has a huge and well deserved fan following. The games have powerful stories and the gameplay is brilliant. This fan base sure did prove itself at the Playstation conference when a video clip of around 10 seconds was played easily indicating to anyone who has any idea about the franchise. It's happening, FFVII is getting a remake for next gen and the crowd went wild! Easily the most hyped moment this E3.

9. Star Wars: Battlefront- Gamers have been anticipating this game ever since the CVG trailer we received last E3 and considering the game developers being DICE, we know it's going to be something out of this world. Actual in game multiplayer footage was revealed at E3 and my jaw dropped in awe. The scale of the game is humongous  and it looks beautiful! Fight as an Empire or Rebel, this game is definitely going to be a blast!

10. Black Ops 3- Now I am not personally a great fan of the Call of Duty series but do play the games on a casual level. However, the multiplayer footage Treyarch revealed was intense. Call of duty holds it's reputation in fast paced, intense infantry combat and Black Ops 3 didn't seem to lack either. The gameplay looked fluid as maneuvering looked a lot easier and the game looked really really good!

11. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End- Although sadly only releasing on the PS4 (I'm on PC) you have to admit, Naughty Dog is definitely one of the greatest game creators out there. They took the gaming world to a whole new level with The Last of Us and their previous Uncharted games and Uncharted 4 does not look to be a let down. The graphics are insane! The game is beautiful and vivid and the voice acting looked really good too! The combat mechanisms and the destruction observed in the gameplay footage is definitely something to look forward to.

12. Fallout 4- Considering the Fallout series has always been set in a post apocalyptic world, Fallout 4 is not a let down. The graphics aren't the greatest I've seen surprisingly but they aren't bad either. It's definitely a good looking game however, it has always been gameplay over graphics in my opinion and hopefully fallout can deliver!

13. Dream/The Last Guardian- No, these games aren't related in anyway but I just thought I'd club them together for convenience reasons. Both of them had amazing concepts with animated yet beautiful graphics and stunning gameplay. Building your own dreams and exploring those of others to form new ones in Dream or exploring an ancient ruin with a loyal entity with certain puzzle elements in The Last Guardian, they were both great to watch and I'm certain will be really fun to play.

14. Xbox One Backward Compatibility- The crowd roared at E3 and millions must have at home too when this was announced at the Xbox conference.I don't think many people saw it coming and hence was a good and well needed surprise for Xbox fans and people considering switching over to console.

15. HoloLens- The HoloLens has been a work in progress for a while now and still is but has developed greatly and is near to being an end product now. Gameplay was shown as a man from the Xbox team played Minecraft using the HoloLens. All you need is a controller and the HoloLens and you can play your games on any surface, a wall? a table? the floor? No problem! No one else but you sees what you see although any changes you make in a game are actually recorded and saved as though you were playing it normally. Don't like the position of the cow over there? No worries, you can just pick it up and place it somewhere else with your bare hands! It had voice commands and various other functions that left me in awe for a very long time. HoloLens looks like it could take gaming to a whole new level.

E3 2015 like most other years definitely wasn't a let down. What did you'll love the most about it?